Synto comes with power of SCSS. The css files can be generated from scss by simply following below steps:
Gulp is a JavaScipt streaming task runner. It automate many development tasks. Using gulp you can perform tasks like running a local server, minifying code, compilation, Browser sync ,optimizing images, etc... We are using gulp which allows to having complete automation for build flow. You can read it more about it here.
Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:
Make sure to have the Node.js installed & running in your computer. If you have already installed nodejs on your computer, you can skip this step, otherwise install nodejs on your computer,
Note : If you are using the latest version of Node JS or want to install and use the latest version, click here and install all the dependencies manually that are given below in command prompt.
Make sure to have the Gulp
installed &
running in your computer. If you have already installed gulp on your
computer, you can skip
this step. In order to install, just run command
npm install -g gulp
your terminal.
After Completion of gulp Install. open gulpfile.js
And install
the "Declaration of gulp variables" in your command promt. In order to
install, just run command
npm install gulp
npm install gulp-sass
npm install gulp-postcss
npm install gulp-autoprefixer
npm install gulp-sourcemaps
npm install browser-sync
npm install gulp-cssbeautify
npm install gulp-cached
npm install gulp-cssnano
npm install del
npm install tailwindcss
npm install gulp-clean-css
npm install gulp-npm-dist
npm install gulp-replace
npm install gulp-uglify
npm install gulp-useref-plus
npm install gulp-rename
npm install gulp-if
npm install gulp-file-include
npm install gulp-beautify
from your terminal.
Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running in your
computer. If you want to install more variables for your template, just
declare the variables in gulpfile.js
after that run in command
Command | Description |
npm install
npm install command is used to intall required dependencies to run gulp in node_modules
Gulp command is used to generate dist/ directory.
Gulp runs the project locally, starts the development server and watches for
any changes you made in src folder, including your HTML,
Javascript, SCSS, etc. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:1113.
What ever changes you made in src folder it automatically
changed in dist files.