Used Plugins & Reference Links

All plugins runs through npm.

If you want new plugins : Install new plugin from npm then run gulp command.

Choices JS :

Choices JS is very simple javascript plugin to style default select..

1. You need to add these files to make it work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
Swiper JS :

Swiper JS is very modern javascript plugin to replace bootstrap carousel..

1. You need to add these files to make basic swiper work.
        /* Basic Swiper  */
        var swiper = new Swiper(".Swiperslide-1", {
          autoplay: {
            delay: 3000,
            disableOnInteraction: false,
          spaceBetween: 2,
Type URL
Plugin Link
Sweet Alerts :

Sweet Alerts is a modern javascript plugin for alert messages..

1. You need to add these files to make basic alert work.

            /* Basic Sweetalert  */
            document.querySelector("#basic").addEventListener('click', function () {
      'Welcome TO Your Admin Page')
Type URL
Plugin Link
noui slider :

noui slider is a modern javascript plugin for alert messages..

1. You need to add these files to make basic range slider work.
        /* default slider */
        var slider = document.getElementById('nousislider');
        noUiSlider.create(slider, {
          start: [30, 80],
          connect: true,
          range: {
            'min': 0,
            'max': 100
Type URL
Plugin Link
FlatPickr :

FlatPickr is a modern javascript plugin alternative for date and time pickers..

1. You need to add these files to make basic Flatpickr work.
            //To choose date
            flatpickr("#date", {});
Type URL
Plugin Link
simonwep/pickr(ColorPicker) :

It is a modern javascript color picker..

1. You need to add below files to make classic color picker work.

    const pickrContainer = document.querySelector('.pickr-container');
    const themeContainer = document.querySelector('.theme-container');

       /* classic */
    const themes = [
                swatches: [
                    'rgba(244, 67, 54, 1)',
                    'rgba(233, 30, 99, 0.95)',
                    'rgba(156, 39, 176, 0.9)',
                    'rgba(103, 58, 183, 0.85)',
                    'rgba(63, 81, 181, 0.8)',
                    'rgba(33, 150, 243, 0.75)',
                    'rgba(3, 169, 244, 0.7)',
                    'rgba(0, 188, 212, 0.7)',
                    'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.75)',
                    'rgba(76, 175, 80, 0.8)',
                    'rgba(139, 195, 74, 0.85)',
                    'rgba(205, 220, 57, 0.9)',
                    'rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.95)',
                    'rgba(255, 193, 7, 1)'

                components: {
                    preview: true,
                    opacity: true,
                    hue: true,

                    interaction: {
                        hex: true,
                        rgba: true,
                        hsva: true,
                        input: true,
                        clear: true,
                        save: true

    const buttons = [];
    let pickr = null;

    for (const [theme, config] of themes) {
        const button = document.createElement('button');
        button.innerHTML = theme;

        button.addEventListener('click', () => {
            const el = document.createElement('p');

            // Delete previous instance
            if (pickr) {

            // Apply active class
            for (const btn of buttons) {
                btn.classList[btn === button ? 'add' : 'remove']('active','ti-btn' ,'ti-btn-primary');

            // Create fresh instance
            pickr = new Pickr(Object.assign({
                default: '#a68e5e'
            }, config));

            // Set events
            pickr.on('init', instance => {
            }).on('hide', instance => {
            }).on('show', (color, instance) => {
            }).on('save', (color, instance) => {
            }).on('clear', instance => {
            }).on('change', (color, source, instance) => {
            }).on('changestop', (source, instance) => {
            }).on('cancel', instance => {
            }).on('swatchselect', (color, instance) => {


Type URL
Plugin Link
GLightbox (Gallery) :

GLightbox is a modern javascript gallery plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make gallery work.

        var lightbox = GLightbox({
            selector: '.glightbox'
Type URL
Plugin Link
Full Calendar :

Full Calendar is a modern javascript calendar plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make full calendar work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
Leaflet Maps :

Leaflet Maps is a modern javascript maps plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make leaflet maps work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
Jsvector Maps :

Jsvector Maps is a modern javascript maps plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make Jsvector maps work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
gmaps.js :

gmaps is a modern javascript maps plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make gmaps work.

Type URL
Plugin Link
Simplebar Js :

Simplebar is a modern javascript scrollbar plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make simplebar work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
Quill Editor :

Quill Editor is a modern javascript editor plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make quill editor work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
File Pond :

File Pond is a modern javascript file upload plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make file pond work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
Drop Zone :

Drop Zone is a modern javascript file upload plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make drop zone work.
Type URL
Plugin Link
Rater Js :

Rater Js is a modern javascript ratings plugin..

1. You need to add these files to make Rater Js work.
Type URL
Plugin Link